Members of the City Council not attending in person may participate in the electronic meeting using the Zoom information below. Interested parties are encouraged to attend the council meeting in person. Those unable to attend in person may participate electronically via Zoom Webinar when called upon by the Council Chair in one of the following ways:
In your web browser, go to and enter the Webinar Meeting ID: 873 6739 3116and Password: 8000
On your phone dial one of the following numbers: 346-248-7799 or 312-626-6799 and enter Webinar Meeting ID: 873 6739 3116and Password: 8000
CITY COUNCIL MEETING 6:00 PM (or as soon thereafter as possible)
Comments should be directed to the Council Chair and commenters should not expect any debate with or responses from the City Council, Mayor, or City Staff. However, as a point of personal privilege Council Members, the Mayor, and Staff may respond to public comments if recognized by the Council Chair. Members of the City Council strive to create a respectful and professional decorum during Council Meetings so that the meeting can be conducted in an orderly, efficient, effective, and dignified manner. It is our desire that each person attending a City Council meeting feel safe, respected, and comfortable participating in their government. We hope that commenters will have that same goal and strive to do their best to keep comments respectful, professional, and free from profanity, personal attacks, and indecency. When addressing the Council, please provide your full name and limit your remarks to three (3) minutes. Written comments may be submitted if a citizen does not wish to speak.
City Council Reports
Council Office Report
Mayor’s Report
City Administrator’s Report
Water Report
Report by Zach Jacob of a proposed property tax increase by Jordan Valley Water Conservancy District
Comment on report by members of the public and/or city council members
Routine items on the Consent Agenda not requiring public discussion by the City Council or which have been discussed previously may be adopted by one single motion. A Council member may request to remove an item from the consent agenda for individual discussion and consideration.
Resolution No. 23-047 authorizing a Real Estate purchase contract with Bobbie Jo Glover for the purchase of approximately 4.77 acres located at approximately 8598 South 6400 West.
Wednesday, August 09, 2023 – Regular City Council Meeting – 6:00p
Wednesday, August 16, 2023 – Committee of the Whole Meeting – 6:00p
Tuesday, August 22, 2023 – Truth in Taxation Hearing – 6:00p
Wednesday, August 23, 2023 – Regular City Council Meeting – 6:00p
Wednesday, September 13, 2023 – Regular City Council Meeting – 6:00p
Tuesday, September 19, 2023 – Primary Board of Canvassers Meeting – 6:00p
Wednesday, September 20, 2023 – Committee of the Whole Meeting – 6:00p
Wednesday, September 27, 2023 – Regular City Council Meeting – 6:00p
Interested parties may contact the Council PRIOR to the meeting in one of the following ways: (your comment will not be part of the meeting but will be provided to all members of the entire City Council)
Call the 24-hour Public Comment Line PRIOR to the meeting and leave a message: (801) 569-5052. Please include your name and phone number.
Send an email to [email protected]. Please include your name and phone number.
You can follow the City Council on Twitter @WJCityCouncil and on Facebook @WestJordanCityCouncil
In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, the City of West Jordan will make reasonable accommodations for participation in the meeting. Request for assistance can be made by contacting the West Jordan City Council Office at 801-569-5017, providing at least three working days’ advance notice of the meeting.
One or more council members may participate electronically in this meeting using online video conferencing technology per Utah Code (§52-4-207) and West Jordan City Ordinance 1-13-1-E. Members’ participation via electronic communication will be broadcast and amplified so other Council Members and all other persons present in the Council Chambers will be able to hear or see the communication.
By attending this meeting/event, you consent to the use of your photograph, voice, likeness, and image in broadcasts of this meeting/event, and in subsequent productions drawn from video or audio recordings of this meeting/event, in the sole and absolute discretion of the City of West Jordan. The city retains copyright for all video and audio recordings. Video and audio recordings may not be modified, manipulated, or distributed in any way without the express written consent of the City’s Chief Executive Officer.
I certify that the foregoing agenda was posted at the principal office of the public body, on the Utah Public Notice website, on West Jordan City’s website, and notification was sent to the Salt Lake Tribune, Deseret News, and the West Jordan Journal.
Please note: agenda items are subject to change and may be reordered or tabled in order to accommodate the needs of the City Council, staff, and the public.
Posted and dated July 21, 2023 Cindy M. Quick, MMC, Council Office Clerk